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#MondayMotivation: Five Things To Do When You Are Unmotivated

Follow @eventlabgh <   At some point, you may feel like you need a break from the world. This feeling...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at February 18, 2019



At some point, you may feel like you need a break from the world. This feeling comes with dissatisfaction, sadness, emptiness, lack of interest to do simple daily life activities, emptiness, mental laziness, lack of interest and enthusiasm, etc. It’s normal to feel this way at some point in your adult life. At some point recently, I experienced it too, something I’d like to call, a bout of unsatisfaction. There are reasons people feel unmotivated but some other time, you just can’t explain it.

Not being motivated affects your work, family, affairs, and life generally. It makes you unproductive as you suddenly lose interest in things you do and should do. Worse still, it can become so intense you become suicidal.

Here are things to do if you going through the ‘unmotivated phase’.


As cliché as this may sound, this works. It’s funny how we young people become ashamed of anything ‘God related’. We may personally believe but be ashamed to admit it because it’s not the trend.

If you are feeling unmotivated, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to pray, however, you know best. It has a way of making you feel free, happier and hopeful. It can actually make the feeling go away because well, prayers work!

2. Take a break

Sometimes, the reason why you feel unmotivated is you need a break. Take some time away from things you have been doing; work, family, relationship, etc. It’s like going to the open to take in fresh air and going back indoors. It always always feels better.

Take a break from the things that are a part of you and you think you can’t do without. Some of the majors are social media, your gadgets, friends, and work. Just go have some you time. Learn something new!

3.Think of people you are better than

It could be because you are unsatisfied and feel you aren’t where you should be or you need a major change in your life that you are feeling unmotivated.

Knock yourself out of the feeling by thinking of where you used to be and people you are better than. This helps you appreciate life more.

4. Create rewards

Set tasks and give yourself rewards if you accomplish them. It could be a cold bottle of your favorite drink, a movie you’ve always wanted to watch, an extra snack, or even more makeup items, anything that makes you happy.

Don’t set unaccomplishable tasks and also, don’t beat yourself if you don’t accomplish the task set. When you do though, give yourself a treat you wouldn’t have on other days.

5. Be positive and give it time

What you think affects the way you behave. Think to yourself, ‘I am motivated. I am hardworking. I am productive. I am the best. It is possible. I can do all things…’ and other positive thought.

Patience is key. Give yourself time. Change will come.

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