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African Events, Celebrity News, Music, Video & Entertainment – Eventlabgh

Your Ultimate Guide To The Perfect Daily Care Package

Follow @eventlabgh < When you’re stepping out of the house everyday, there are some essentials every woman needs to have...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at November 4, 2019


When you’re stepping out of the house everyday, there are some essentials every woman needs to have with her at all times. You don’t want to be caught unfresh while you’re out and about, chasing your dreams. So think of it as the ultimate self-care package – rain or shine, you’re always going to look your best and stay fresh. 

Get a small bag/purse and fill it up with the following things: 

  • Lip balm/Lip gloss: Listen, there is no time when crusty lips look attractive or sexy. Trust me, you don’t want to be out here speaking through dry-ass lips. It’s not a good look. 

  • Small powder: You never know what the weather or your city is going to throw at you so it’s best to always have your small powder with you. You never know when you may need that touch up. 

  • Tiny perfume bottle: I don’t know about you but one of the most embarrassing things that could happen to anyone is for some kind of foul odor to be coming from their direction. Smelling bad is just an absolute no-no. Always have one or more of those sample perfume bottles on you at all times. 

  • Mint/Gum: Brushing your teeth in the morning is not enough. You may eat something or just not talk much all day and you won’t want to talk to people and have them struggling to get to the end of the conversation. With mint/gum, you maintain a relatively friendly oratory smell all day. 

  • Hand sanitizer: From money to makeup and other people or your laptop, you touch a lot of things all day. Great to always have hand sanitizer so you don’t keep the germs on. Of course the best option would be to always wash your hands but that may not always be possible.

  • Tissue: You never know what this pot of beans life is going to throw at you on any given day and tissue could save you in more ways than you know. You can either use it in place of a handkerchief or for things you can’t use a handkerchief for. 

  • Wipes: Sometimes, the weather becomes too hot for your makeup after you’ve left the house. That’s where wipes come in handy. You can also use them to disinfect your hands or for general use in place of a handkerchief or tissue. 

  • Snack bar: This is the last component of this daily care package bag. Maybe you’re in a meeting, stuck in traffic or too busy to get lunch. Having a snack, or chocolate, bar takes care of your needs whenever you feel peckish during your day. 

Thankfully, all of these items are available in small bottles and packages so you don’t need a giant bag or purse to fit them in. Now that you know what’s up, there is no reason to be caught unfresh! Thank me later.

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