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You Really Shouldn’t Get Married If You Can’t Agree On These

Follow @eventlabgh < A lot of us might not be particularly enthusiastic about walking down the aisle and tying the...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at May 26, 2018


A lot of us might not be particularly enthusiastic about walking down the aisle and tying the knot but we’ll probably have a change of mind in the future.

When you finally meet that person who seems like they are the one and you begin to consider walking down the aisle there are a few things you need to cross of your mental list. Like do they put the toilet seat down when they finish using it or do they annoyingly act like they’re suffering from a terminal illness when really it’s just the flu?

While these be some less important things that you can make concessions for there are some things that cannot be waved off so easily.

  1. Finances

Some people are excellent at working on a budget and being economical with their expenses, while others seem to constantly have an empty pocket minutes after money descends in it. It’s crucial for couples that intend to get married that they sort out who handles finances, how they handle it and spending habits.

2. Sex

Your sex life is well… interesting. For now, but what happens when you’re married and living together in the same house and you realize your partner is a little more freaky than you thought? While you’re open to exploring it seems your partner is down for a little more than the usual vanilla sex that you’re comfortable with.

Thus comes the friction. If you’re both planning to settle down it’s definitely something you both want to have a conversation about just so that you don’t run into roadblocks along the way in forms of anal sex or hardcore BDSM.

3. Gender roles

It’s the 21st century and the gender role argument should be outdated but of course not everyone is living with the future. A lot of men and even some women still believe that one gender belongs in the kitchen while the other belongs in an office. If you believe contrary to this and your partner is a firm believer in these traditional gender roles then you’ll both definitely clash when you take the plunge.

It’s best for both of you to sit down and have a honest conversation about your expectations of each other in the marriage.

4. Having children and child raising

Children may not be very close in the horizon yet it’s a conversation that should be had. From timing to how children should be raised, these are topics to be broached long before you stand at the altar.

It’s something you should discuss and see if you are both on the same page.

5. Lifestyle habits

You might feel like you know your partner and seen their bad habits but living with them is an entire matter altogether. If one of your biggest pet peeves is smoking and your partner is something akin to a chain-smoker then it’s guaranteed that you’ll both go to war over it; one refusing to ditch the habit and the other refusing to put up with it.

While some habits might not be large enough to cause much of a ruckus to the new marriage others most likely will and lead to much larger problems that can’t be resolved.

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