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‘VIP’, docu-flim about a blind boy’s dream to become president of Ghana opens September 2

Follow @eventlabgh < ‘The Blind Can Lead’, a disability advocacy project that uses the power of film to advocate for...



‘The Blind Can Lead’, a disability advocacy project that uses the power of film to advocate for persons with disability will screen its documentary film titled ‘VIP’ at the Silverbird Cinemas. Accra Mall, on September 2. The film centres on a blind boy who became school prefect in Okuapemman School and vowed to win Ghana’s presidential elections in 2052.

After the premiere on Friday, the film will go on aNationwide Schools and Communities Roadshow to distribute the film to sensitize the masses on disability and to advocate for inclusive society with an effective inclusive education system.


It’s the year 2057… 100 years after Ghana’s Independence and the African State’s President is Blind!

When a school gives room for the impossible, can it influence the attitudes of a nation of millions? They say the blind can’t lead the blind. But what if the blind led the sighted?

Well, that’s the story of young Gerald Arhin who defies all odds including his blindness (which he cites as his biggest inspiration), and rises via popular election to the position of Head Prefect and SRC President of Okuapemman School (one of the few high schools in Ghana with an integrated system for both blind and sighted). He further tops his class ahead of his sighted colleagues and eventually becomes the overall best student of his year group amidst his demanding duty as the head prefect.

After winning elections in his school, he has thrown the challenge to win elections in Ghana in the 2052 elections.

The film explores the education, achievements and challenges of visually impaired persons in Ghana and advocates for inclusive education and society for Persons With Disability.

Filmmaker: Kojo Owiredu Kissi

Genre: Documentary

Running time: 50Minutes

Year: 2016


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