You may think blowjobs may be one of the overrated sexual activities that take place in the bedroom or maybe you’ve being doing it wrong all this time.
So we’re here to give you a few positions that will help you both get the best of blowjobs!
1. Prop engine style
Using a vibrator lodged underneath you while you simultaneously is an interesting position to take to give a blowjob.
It gives you and your partner pleasure as well as it gives you pleasure too.
2. Mouth Off
With this style, you lie on your back and let him mount your mouth, with his head pointed toward your feet. If he supports his body weight with his arms, you are free to do what you please with your hands.
His hands are also free to explore your body as you give him a blowjob.
3. The double-down style
This style sees you kneel before him while giving him a blowjob and gently riding on a dildo.
This is a spin of the classic kneeling down to give your man a blowjob but with a twist.
4. The Yin Yang Edge
If you’re trying to avoid that cliche position of 69 where no one really does any work well this is the answer.
You both lay comfortably on your sides and proceed to give each other a lick of goodness, or in this case a suck of goodness and wait until the big O comes along.
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan