Meghan Markle is kicking off 2025 with a surprise return to Instagram after a five-year break. On Wednesday, the Duchess of Sussex, who stepped back from royal duties with Prince Harry in 2020, shared a short but striking video on her new account, @meghan.
The clip, posted without a caption, shows Meghan dressed in white, enjoying a beach day and playfully writing “2025” in the sand. Comments are turned off, but the account has gathered nearly 700,000 followers.
The Associated Press confirmed that the account belongs to Meghan, while ABC News reported that Prince Harry filmed the video at a public beach near their Montecito, California, home. The couple has lived there since leaving royal life.
Meghan has largely stayed off social media due to the intense scrutiny and harassment she faced as a royal. She and Harry have been vocal about the negative impacts of online bullying. However, in a 2021 interview with Fast Company, Harry hinted they weren’t done with social media forever.
“Social media can offer a means of connecting and community, which are vital to us as human beings,” Harry said at the time. “We will revisit social media when it feels right for us, perhaps when we see more meaningful commitments to change or reform.”
For now, Meghan’s simple yet symbolic post seems to mark a fresh start as the new year begins.