Every skinny girl from Kendall Jenner to you can relate to these struggles
Follow @eventlabgh < Story highlights Being skinny is not a bad thing, but no, you have to deal with people...
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While a few people think being skinny is really cool, and Kendall Jenner
Here are a few of the struggles skinny people face almost every other day.
1. When you check your weight for the millionth time and it’s still 44kg

2. When you’re walking on your own jejeli and some agberos start shouting ‘Eiss, lepa!’

3. You’re somehow always ready for the ‘Do you eat?’ question

4. When you wear high-waisted skinny jeans with a belt because you want to show off your ‘slim curves’ and your friend jokingly goes ‘see your small bumbum’

And that hot guy you’ve been eyeing laughs out loud.
5. When you get sad about being too skinny and have to deal with that smoking hot, curvy girl that’s wishing she had your body

6. When you say you haven’t eaten all day and your mother almost gets an apoplexy

7. Your tailor is your best friend

8. When old people that don’t know about the wonders of squats are appalled at the fact that you dare to do anything remotely strenuous

9. When people keep asking you ‘are you watching your weight?’

10. And when you think of all the times you have attempted to gain weight and just break down and cry

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