Tuesday, March 18, 2025
African Events, Celebrity News, Music, Video & Entertainment – Eventlabgh

Christmas And Fresh Tomatoes | 234Star

Follow @eventlabgh < ‘Why are there so many people here today?’ I asked no one in particular as I joined...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at December 25, 2017


‘Why are there so many people here today?’ I asked no one in particular as I joined the shortest queue in sight, right behind a fat  woman who had accessories in almost every part of her body. The morning was chilly and calm. People were up and about in nice clothes, loud music streamed out of houses with deserted balconies and vehicles drove past once in a while. I held my sweatshirt tighter and walked away. I decided to go to another bank since the the queue for the ATM was too long.

In the next bank, there was less crowd and four machines were working. Good. Everything has to be done in time on Christmas day and this seems to be a good start. I looked at myself in the mirror of the car beside me and smiled. My hair was perfect. I hadn’t posted pictures on Facebook since I made it two days ago and today was the unveiling. ‘They go hear am’,I thought smiling. I thought of all the hashtags that would go with it; new look, self love, small girl with big God, no time for haters,haters gonna hate, merry Christmas, Christ is born, I’m pretty and I know it,slaying for Christ. The inspiration kept coming and I smiled some more.

It got to my turn and I walked to the machine. My excitement rose as I heard that zzzzzzz sound that shows the money is on the way. Cash in hand, I left the bank. Along the road, a hawker followed me, asking me if i wanted to buy fresh tomatoes for Christmas. Of course I didn’t. The money I withdrew was for the rest of the Christmas runs and definitely not tomatoes. I had made stew the day before with all the animals I could get my hands on; domestic and wild. As I made to walk away, I looked closer at the girl will the tray of red vegetables. She was about my age. Her gown was dirty and she looked very thin. If the hollow underneath her eyes were half an inch deeper, they wouldn’t be dark circles anymore but holes. It seemed the barber leaves her hair and makes a deliberate u-curve underneath her eyes each time she visits. She had no footwear on and her feet seemed to be bleeding. She smiled at me through cracked lips and said again, ‘Aunty buy fresh tomatoes for your Christmas rice.’

When I lay in bed that night, I still saw the girl through my mind’s eyes. That was her life. That was her Christmas but yet she smiled through those cracked lips. I felt ashamed. With everything I have I still complained. Yet someone didn’t have enough to buy a footwear.

It made made me feel better that I bought all her tomatoes and gave her the money I withdrew. It made a difference that I made someone’s Christmas better. It made a difference that I put a broader smile on her face. Isn’t that what the season is about, sharing love?

Merry Christmas!

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