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African Events, Celebrity News, Music, Video & Entertainment – Eventlabgh

Bernardine Adande – talks Acting career & more

Follow @eventlabgh < The African movie industry is growing at a faster pace with Ghallywood, Nollywood, the Southerners and more...

By Eventlabgh , in Entertainment News , at December 23, 2016


The African movie industry is growing at a faster pace with Ghallywood, Nollywood, the Southerners and more giving Hollywood a run for their money with the kind of stories being produced on daily basis.

Growth comes with competition and that gives room for introduction of new talents who will add spice and diversity to the industry and give viewers variety to choose from.
One of those new talents who did very well in Venus Films Production’s “If God Be for Us” that have end her the admirations and applauds of movie lovers is Bernadine Adande.

Having a dual nationality; Ghanaian and Togolese has giving her more rooms to operate her talents from bringing on board cultures from both countries.

She currently taking acting class in America to further broaden and equip with deeper knowledge in the movie industry.
TMGHLive.com had a chat with her from her base in the States and here are some of the things she told us, ENJOY:

How did acting begin for you?
Started going for auditions in 2013 but never got any role to play and thank God in 2015 I was introduced to Venus Films Production and that’s where I start from.

So you worked at Venus films prior to you featuring in their movie or you giving the role upon the introduction?
When I was introduced to Venus they auditioned me and they believed I can do it so they started giving me role to play.

Which movie was your first ever movie and why did you take the role in it?
I have been in movies but the movie I featured in and I love most is “IF God Be For Us” produced by Venus films and directed by Pascal Amanfo. I took the role because I see myself in and I believed I could do it.

How is the industry treating you after that role and what are your future plans for the industry?
I always want the best for the industry and I want to upgrade myself, I want to know more, is not all about the stardom for me but to do what I have always dreamt of since I was young. Right now am not in the country am in the state just trying to learn more about movie and been the perfect actress.

Are you in an acting school in the state to perfect yourself?

Will you consider acting in the state or you will come down once you are down with school?
I will come down once am done with school, I will love to do both if that’s possible.
People say there is no money in the Ghanaian movie industry, what’s your take on that?
I just want to do what I love if money comes fine because I just got to the industry, not too long.

Whether money comes or not you will still do what you love, acting?
Yes, But I will still be happier when the money comes too but that will not stop me doing what I want to do.

How was the response from the people who watched your first movie like?
People always send me message wow u did very well, and am always like really? Because from beginning I always doubt myself because am French girl.

How does that make you feel considering the fact that, it was just your first appearance on screen?
Is not my first movie I have featured in about 5 movies before that? But that is the most important role I have ever play in all. And more scenes than other once.

Which movies were those?
Threat of hope, smoking gun, my brother’s love, happily never after, banks chronicle and If God be for us.

When are you returning to Ghana?
I really don’t know yet. Probably after school and I will visit time to time before I finish school.

Ok, thank you for chatting with us.
U welcome.

(Source: Samuel Amegavi, TMGHLive)



Source: Beenie Words

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