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African Events, Celebrity News, Music, Video & Entertainment – Eventlabgh

#BBNaija’s Bisola was Allegedly Dumped on Her Wedding Day by Fiance

Follow @eventlabgh < Not much is known about #BBNaija’s Bisola before she joined entered the house at the ongoing reality...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at April 9, 2017


Not much is known about #BBNaija’s Bisola before she joined entered the house at the ongoing reality show. However, stories surrounding the star’s life began to emerge as she dominated the show with her amazing performances.

First, we learned that she is a single mother. And during her speech at the house days ago, she revealed she is not a university graduate as many people assumed.

I have never been in University before. I’m not a graduate. Not because I wasn’t intelligent enough to be in but because I never had the fund to do so. So on every exam is passed I never made it through because I didn’t have the money to send myself to school,” she had said during the moving speech.

Yesterday, an avid fan of Bisola shared yet another detail about the housemate many people don’t know: that the housemate was once abandoned at the altar by an unnamed fiance.

“The husband didn’t show up…the whole Saint LEO’s Catholic Church in Ikeja was something else that day and she was pregnant then o,” said the fan @mizcapitaldiva, adding, “that girl is indeed a very strong girl.”

Read the full story:

“So today I went to the market to buy some bedsheets and I heard the woman selling the bedsheets talking about usual,me being the listener that I am.. I choose to listen to her… then I heard her talking about @iambisola out of curiosity I asked .Mummy this one that you are rooting for bisola like this..Ahan you must b a fan o..and she said bisola isn’t just someone she knows randomly in fact, she’s has known them for years(Bisiola,her younger sister,her Mum and her brother) even before her daughter(Leila) came into the picture.Uhmmm…trust me,in my head I just knew this will b very interesting…so I asked again..Madam that lady is very Strong o..and she said Yes..she’s very strong,For a girl that her husband didn’t show up on her wedding day!Yes!she’s very strong…and I was totally in shock..and asked again the husband didn’t show up.. for what reason?..and she said only God knows why!!!the whole Saint LEO’s Catholic Church in ikeja was something else that day and she was pregnant then o,that Girl is indeed a very strong girl…immediately I felt very touched and I started thinking..lost in my own thoughts..tried putting myself or my loved one in her shoes and I know most of us will say GodForbid.. and I wonder how she came out strong…and the woman said again you know believe me say I sabi her abi?? wait make I call her mama…and she did..after exchanging pleasantries..(the phone was on speaker)and I heard mama saying’hope say una they vote o,my daughter must win o’Right there I believed the woman has a cordial relationship with the family…and she responded ,I they root for bisola for my shop and she ask me to say something… immediately I just Screamed #TeamBisola #NaTheWorkWeyWeDeyDo..I’m not a #BBNfan .. but today after hearing a little bit of bisola’s story..I will vote.. even if it’s just one vote.. I will vote…}#DontjudgeHer #lethewitoutsincastthefirstone #SheDeservesToWin #thatGirlEyeDonSee…#weneedstrongpeoplewhodontputothersdown #AttackMeBcsOfMyWriteUpAndiWillEatYouRaw!”

So today I went to the market to buy some bedsheets and I heard the woman selling the bedsheets talking about usual,me being the listener that I am.. I choose to listen to her… then I heard her talking about @iambisola out of curiosity I asked .Mummy this one that you are rooting for bisola like this..Ahan you must b a fan o..and she said bisola isn’t just someone she knows randomly in fact, she’s has known them for years(Bisiola,her younger sister,her Mum and her brother) even before her daughter(Leila) came into the picture.Uhmmm…trust me,in my head I just knew this will b very interesting…so I asked again..Madam that lady is very Strong o..and she said Yes..she’s very strong,For a girl that her husband didn’t show up on her wedding day!Yes!she’s very strong…and I was totally in shock..and asked again the husband didn’t show up.. for what reason?..and she said only God knows why!!!the whole Saint LEO’s Catholic Church in ikeja was something else that day and she was pregnant then o,that Girl is indeed a very strong girl…immediately I felt very touched and I started thinking..lost in my own thoughts..tried putting myself or my loved one in her shoes and I know most of us will say GodForbid.. and I wonder how she came out strong…and the woman said again you know believe me say I sabi her abi?? wait make I call her mama…and she did..after exchanging pleasantries..(the phone was on speaker)and I heard mama saying’hope say una they vote o,my daughter must win o’Right there I believed the woman has a cordial relationship with the family…and she responded ,I they root for bisola for my shop and she ask me to say something… immediately I just Screamed #TeamBisola #NaTheWorkWeyWeDeyDo..I’m not a #BBNfan .. but today after hearing a little bit of bisola’s story..I will vote.. even if it’s just one vote.. I will vote…}#DontjudgeHer #lethewitoutsincastthefirstone #SheDeservesToWin #thatGirlEyeDonSee…#weneedstrongpeoplewhodontputothersdown #AttackMeBcsOfMyWriteUpAndiWillEatYouRaw!

A post shared by osamoje faith ohis{Silky} (@mzcapitaldiva) on

This new details has stirred reactions among Nigerians. While some are moved by the housemate’s story, others feel this was told at a crucial time to win her more fans.

“This moved me to tears. This is huge and she came out strong with no trace of emotional breakdown! She is not even playing the pity card unlike someone that is playing the poverty card. #Itswell She deserves all d luv and much more,” Instagrammer @lizziequeen20 said.

And @raresecrets said, “Nice way to win our hearts… But perhaps you should hear the story of others and you’d get confused on whom to vote, well except if you have been watching and had love for one of them naturally without sympathy attached.”

It all ends today and we can’t wait to see who emerges the winner.



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