Peace Hyde
Hello and welcome to this weeks Piece of Peace your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. It’s been a couple of weeks since I last posted and I have missed all my wonderful Faithbuilders. Thank you so much for all the love and support and encouraging messages. It is truly amazing to read such positive words. This week I would like to share with you on the topic “The Extra Mile”.
If you are anything like me, then you have days where you feel like you have sacrificed a lot to achieve a particular goal or objective. When that happens, there is always a tendency to take it easy. After all is said and done, you have worked hard and now your labour is finally bearing fruit. What more is there to do but to relax and enjoy the spoils.
Unfortunately, I am hear to tell you that you have more work to do. You never know what is behind a door until you open that door and walk through it. There is actually no room to rest on your laurels and be excited about what you have already achieved. That achievement is done and it is now in the past. Your goals should continue evolving and progressing to accommodate your overall vision of achieving your inner greatness. So many people are fixated on the past achievements and without knowing, that thing which was meant to encourage you and push you forward, becomes your stumbling block.
Going the extra mile means never having an end. Going the extra mile means always pushing and striving to achieve more. Going the extra mile means working tirelessly towards the vision that God has given you. It means helping others to achieve their inner greatness and creating an impact in the lives of others. Life is not simply about numbers and wealth valuations. It is not about the type of car you drive or who your social circle is. No matter where you are on your journey to success, whether you have just began and things seem impossibly hard or you have just achieved your biggest breakthrough, the journey is not yet over. I encourage you to keep going that extra mile because God does not just have one breakthrough for you but countless opportunities to transform your life. All you need to do is GO THAT EXTRA MILE. When every one else around you is celebrating, choose to be the one still focused and working and eventually, you will see how much more you have in you. No matter what you do, always remember to Be yourself, because everyone else is taken.
Much Love,
Peace Hyde.