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9 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Vagina!

Follow @eventlabgh < Considering how much we go on about the vagina and how many nicknames we’ve given it, you’d...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at November 23, 2017


Considering how much we go on about the vagina and how many nicknames we’ve given it, you’d expect that women would know the most basic facts about that very intimate body part but surprisingly, that is not the case.

Beyond seeing it as a tool for pleasure and childbearing, most women know zilch or next to it about their lady parts and we’re here to rectify that.

Here are 9 things you should know about the vagina and how it functions.

1. While men do urinate out of the penis, a woman doesn’t urinate out of the vagina.There are three holes down there from the front to the back – the first hole is the urethra, the second is the vagina and the third is the anus. Urine goes through the first hole, the urethra.

2. Sorry to break your heart but there’s no such thing as being “revirginized”. Once it’s gone, it’s gone!

3. Menstrual blood is supposed to clot, so don’t freak out. Usually what you think are clots are just pieces of uterine lining . When the clots are accompanied by heavy bleeding that’s when you start worrying otherwise it’s totally normal.

4. Most women don’t have orgasms from sexual intercourse alone.The clitoris is where the action is. Women who do have orgasms realize that it’s either from direct stimulation on their sweet spot or positioning during sex.

5. It is very normal and necessary to sweat down there. The sweat helps to protect your delicate parts from friction and overheating.

6. Vaginas need help lubing up during sex especially as you get older, so don’t be afraid to slide in some lubricant.

7. Vaginas stretch out after child birth. It’s natural. It can leave you feeling loose but kegel exercises can help the muscles of the vagina

8. How much vaginal discharge you make varies widely. Some normal healthy women can have loads of discharge and need to wear panty liners while some have no discharge at all. As long as you have no itching, burning or odour, you are probably fine. Just make sure to see your gynaecologist once or twice a month.

9. Every vulva is different. Some lips hang down, some are tucked in neatly. Some long, others short. No matter the type you are blessed with, you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.

Bonus: The vagina doesn’t bite and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Take a mirror, look down there, get to know your kitty well and pamper it as much as you can.

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