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4 Things We Should All Definitely Avoid Doing On Social Media

Follow @eventlabgh < Love it, hate it, gleefully obsessed with it, or in denial about the role social plays in...

By Eventlabgh , in Celebrity Entertainment News , at August 22, 2018


Love it, hate it, gleefully obsessed with it, or in denial about the role social plays in your life, in 2018 it’s pretty much unavoidable.

Let’s take a second to be brutally honest. Raise your hand if you’ve ever desperately wanted to unfriend someone super-annoying on one of your platforms, but haven’t because, well, they’re too annoying to ignore.

Here are four things we should avoid doing on social media.

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1. Advertising that you did a good deed

While doing kind things for other people is a resoundingly positive thing to do, sharing it on social media tends to dim the sincerity of the thing.

At least, that is how it comes across to everyone on your feed. Also, did you get the permission of each person you snapped in the background of your picture before posting it?

It’s great that you’re helping out at a soup kitchen or spending time with kids at an orphanage, but their personal, everyday lives shouldn’t come at the expense of your ‘likes’. Consent matters everywhere, in all situations.

2. Trolling comments for answers that clearly no-one wants to give

Sensitivity goes a long, long way. While we publicize so much of our lives, there are still personal details of other people’s lives that we should recognize we’re not automatically privy to.

Just because you aren’t given an answer doesn’t mean you’re allowed to troll the people who do have the answer.

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3. The overshare

The next time you’re tempted to share an intimate slice of your life on social, take a moment to check your headspace. Did your boo do something to piss you off supremely? Fair. But posting about it might only complicate the resolution, should you want one.

Safeguard yourself by sleeping on it before tapping away at your status. Chances are you’ll be grateful you didn’t spill every single one of your beans the next day.

4. Fighting online with people you’ve never even met

I mean c’mon, how bad are things that you’re frequently caught fighting online with people you’ve never even met? First of all whatever it is you’re fighting or arguing over is probably inconsequential the minute you put your phone down. Second, why is it so important you win a fight that really has no affect on your real life off of social media?

Ugh, please don’t be this person.

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